Frequent Questions

1 What is Belcorp's Anonymous line?

It’s a completely anonymous, confidential and secured online system that allows you to communicate to the ethics committee, any non-ethical behavior that affects the company’s, employees' , providers´, consultants´ or clients’ interests.

2 What is the Ethics commitie and who is part of it?

The Ethics committee it’s an autonomous entity,  and its principal function is to guarantee the compliance of the ethical code of the company. If you want to know who is part of the committee click on the "Ethics committee" option.

3 What is the Ethical Code?

It’s a document that sets the essential principles of ethical behavior that should guide all actions we do as part of the company, allowing us to keep solid relations grounded on an ethical conduct. We all are responsible of guaranteeing its compliance and to inform any non-ethical behavior.

4 What type of events I have to report?

1. Corruption/Theft
2. Misuse of assets
3. Data Manipulation
4. Non compliance of corporative politics
5. Violence / Abuse
6. Discrimination
7. Others

5 How can I report any non-ethical case?

All cases must be reported using the web. Click on the following link to see the instructive:

6 What is the investigation process that follows after you register a report?

7 What happens when the investigation ends?

The ethic committee will define the diciplinary measures to take acordingly to the case, these mesures can go from a verbal warning to terminate the employment relationship with the company.

8 How is the information guaranteed to be confidential and anonymous?


- All information would be treated confidentially and will only be of knowledge of the ethic committee members.

- The web has information security measures to guarantee that no one will be able extract any information. 

- When you register a report it doesn’t ask you for a user, the web generates his own ticket number that identifies your report , guarantying the user anonymity.

- The web page is hosted outside of the companys servers and can be entered from any place with internet connection, so there will be no way to track who made the report.

- If you decide to voluntarily reveal your identity, it will be kept confidential and will only be of the committee’s knowledge.